Chai & well being

Oral Health 

Helps reduce bad breath:

Tea contains fluoride, which may lead to improved oral health. Scientist have finally come to believe what was researched 5000 years ago, many tea benefits are genuine and it can also improve your oral health. Tea contains fluroid and anti-oxidants called catechins which interferes with the body's inflammatory to protect oral bacteria. Green tea as well as black tea are great if you ar e looking forward for oral health. Black Tea contains anti-cavity benefit which also leads to fewer tooth cavities, and reduces bad breath too.

Cavity prevention:

Green Tea lowers the level of acid saliva and dental plaque which steadily becomes a preventive tool to fight against cavities. A recent study in Egypt where people were asked to rinse their mouth for 5 minutes with green teas and were later tested, observed that less bacteria, acid as well as reduced gum bleeding were noticed in each of them. It also gave a good result when it came to prevent tooth decay. Hence forth concluding that men and women who prefer drinking green teas were likely to hold on to their natural teeth than the rest.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Keep your heart Healthy:

"Tea isn’t a magic bullet.It does have some superb properties" quote Jack Bukowski, M.D who is an  assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical college, who has studied the health properties of tea. Tea has the potential to cut back heart risk as low as 44% if consumed sufficiently each day. It has the flexibility to block fat and lower cholesterol absorption. People that drank four cups of tea daily had significantly less plaque buildup in their arteries than those who drank only 1 or two cups.

Why tea is called anti-oxidants?

For centuries, drinking tea has been synonymous with taking time to relax or sharing hospitality. Today, mounting research suggests that tea is good for your arteries as well as for general health. Some studies have found an association between drinking three cups of black tea on a daily basis and a reduced risk of heart attack. There is some question concerning whether adding milk or cream interferes with the tea flavonoids. If you wish lightened tea, cut calories by using low-fat or fat-free milk or soy-milk.
Studies say black tea might facilitate stop a second heart attack. Hibiscus tea will lower blood pressure.

Weight Loss

Tea has no calories and helps to hydrate the body. Substituting unsweetened tea for sugary drinks like soda can be a useful tool in maintaining a healthy weight. It is also thought that tea can help to boost metabolism. One should not, however, believe claims that "Wulong" tea is "weight-loss tea." "Wulong" is simply another word for "oolong" and it has not shown any more, or less, impact on weight loss.

Green Tea is known for weight loss. Why?

According to a brand new study, green tea appears to accelerate calorie burning -- together with fat calories. Researchers counsel compounds in green tea called flavonoids may change how the body uses a hormone called norepinephrine, which then speeds at the rate of calories are burned. Drinking just three cups a day of green tea seems to help you melt off extra pounds. People who drink as much as 3 cups of green tea in a day lost weight twice comparing weight loss drastically.  

Immune system 

Fight off Infection:

Tea is the second  most consumed drink after water. Observing so many benefits and protection it is soon going to be a national drink of India. The substances found in tea may help prime the body's immune system to fight off infection. Alternative report shows how substances in green tea may be linked to skin-cell rejuvenation. Alkyl amines, a chemical which is present in tea helps fight bacteria, cancerous cells, parasites, fungi, and other disease-causing agents. There are some evidences that shows how tea drinking habits can influence the immune system to reduce allergic responses as well as asthma.

Detoxify your body:

We all wish to protect our body i.e our immune system from free radicals that is affected largely due to pollution in your surroundings.These free radicals occur from the operation of various reactions that are an part of our body's metabolism.One of the tasks of the immune system of the body is to undertake detoxification.reen tea adds chlorophyll and fiber to your diet. These two things facilitate the body's digestion operate more efficiently to flush the waste product from the intestines and colon. This helps to rid the body of toxic wastes and alternative toxins that have come from your atmosphere. as the body detoxifies, the immune system is better able to perform its role in addressing invaders in the kind of foreign bacteria and viruses. 


Think, concentrate, formulate ideas:

What is this state of cognitive impairment? A simply answer to this is a state that affects the ability to think, concentrate, formulate ideas, reason and remember. It is distinct from a learning disability as it may have been acquired later in life as a result of an accident or illness. Drinking tea lowers the risk to this impairment and helps in cognitive decline. Because tea is cheap, nontoxic, and widely consumed, it has a huge potential effect in promoting cognitive health and perhaps delaying the onset of dementia.


Early research suggests that some components of tea might help to reduce cancer risk. This is one of the most active areas of research currently. 

Cure Intestine Cancer:

Green Tea and white tea help fight cancer..Antioxidants and polyphenols which are main cancer fighting compounds are found in white tea whereas green tea which goes under some processing , has higher polyphenol levels than black tea, which gets the most processing. To prove the benefits of the tea, it was tested on two  mice that were genetically predisposed to develop tumors in their intestines. After 12 weeks, the mice which was given white tea had 13 tumors , whereas the mice give green tea doses had 17 tumors and the mice who was not given any had 30 tumors and the mice given both the teas had an overall average of only 6 tumors i.e. 80% less.This clearly shows the effects of tea on the metabolism and how it can block some cancer causing effects. Similarly it was observed that colon cancer can also be reduced by 40%-50%. These effects can be seen only of tea is consumed 3 mugs a day.

Medicine for Lung Cancer:

Tea is a new drug for fighting lung cancer as reported by scientist. Researchers say the green tea polyphenols appear to fight prostate cancer by targeting the mechanisms that trigger the spread of cancer cells as well as stopping the growth of neighboring blood vessels that feed the tumor. In the study, researchers observed the role of the antioxidants present in green tea in prostate cancer development and progression in mice. With this study they concluded that consumption of six cups of green tea per day stopped the growth of prostate cancer. The anti oxidant in green tea affect a protein known as insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1), which is increased in men with prostate cancer.Researchers say the green tea antioxidant appeared to stall cell growth by decreasing production of several proteins that promote cell survival. In addition, it also helped in the reducing the production of proteins that are known to be associated with the spread of cancer cells.

Bone Health 

Strengthen your bones:

Calcium and vitamin D are two of the most essential elements that play a role in building and maintaining bones and decreasing the risk for osteoporosis, or softening of the bones. Research indicates that increasing your consumption of tea, especially green tea, might help improve bone health.Green tea catechins reduce production of osteoclasts, or cells that lead to bone breakdown, while increasing the production of osteoblasts.

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