Wednesday 18 July 2012

Acquired taste of tea

We simply love the combination of masala chai and a crisp packed biscuit. Dipping biscuits in chai and gulping it down your throat to feel a slight hint of spices and the sweetness of the biscuit feels just right to please your roaring  stomach in mid afternoon.

For years now, Parle G has been an unofficial national biscuit which goes along with any flavor of the chai and best suited for creating a"Chatime memory". It is a life savor for some, and for some it is knight in shining armor. How? Well, now that's a story of every individual and depends completely on their experience .  

Monday 16 July 2012

Birth of Tea in India

In 1598, a traveler from Dutch, Jan Huyghen van Linschoten noted his adventures in India and mentioned a special brewed drink Indians prepared by boiling tea leaves, garlic, oil and served as healthy drink. These leaves are grown in the wildest forest of Assam. While Indians were less aware of the change coming to this green wild jungle, Joseph Banks reported to East India Company in 1788 that the climate in North East India was ideal and most favorable for tea growing but he suggested to transplant the tea bushes from China but missed to mention the fact that those plants were native to Bengal. Unfortunately his idea was ignored.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Its Chai Time

Tea is one of the most popular beverage consumed in India be it any season of the year or any time of the day. Interesting fact here is, there are almost 129866 way and more to make "chai" which can set your mood of the day, your taste, preference and can vary from flavors of being milky to strong, spicy to sweet, light to bitter and some can be simply black. But the best one enjoyed in most of the places in India is "Masala Chai". Recalling the history of tea in India, it wouldn't have been admired, if East India Company in 1820 had not taken steps to acknowledge its importance and made it a completely exclusive export products. 

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